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October's Netflix Breakdown: what to watch!


18 / TW: rape, school shootings

Overall rating 7/10

The ending to this film definitely brought it up a point in its overall rating, a very female empowerment moment of self discovery and self worth! Mila Kunis played the perfect leading role and captured the essence of the character perfectly, from the acting to the voice overs. The film itself is very well filmed as it jumps between present and past and always keeps you guessing, you're never too sure which way its going to go until it does. Would I watch it again, probably not but only because I know how it ends and I think that that now takes away one of the main attractions of the film, I would watch it again however to see someone else's reaction to the film.



Overall rating 9/10

This is such a good feeling, pick me up, chick flick film! It is in no way new to Netflix but this is the first time I have ever watched it! I know already I will be watching the film the again when in need of something light hearted and funny! Dakota Johnson and Rebel Wilson make an unlikely friendship which just works! I think it could have used a few more one liners from Rebel, and the ending leaves a lot to be desired in the sense of what happens next!? But overall it was a well rounded film that picks you up, is easy to watch, and has a few laughs on the way!


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